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Character name:Clarkus


Level (must be 85):85



Are you willing to respec if needed?:ofc if needed

Link to Armory profile:http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormrage/clarkus/simple


Location:north east of england near middlesbrough



Can you attend at least 2 out of 3 raids every week?indeed our last guild was 4 days a week


Have you cleared all the current normal raiding content?

(This is required to be able to get accepted for a trial. Mark with a cross [X])


Yes: []


Does your connection suck?

nope i have a very good connection :)

Previous guild(s) and why did you leave it/them?heresy ,violation and vertical smile <disbanded


If you are currently in a guild, did you inform the officers about applying here?aye


Are you applying to other guilds than Heretic? nope


Who do you know in Heretic?nobody at all but hope to get to know u all well


Why do you want to join Heretic?raiding became as of as of with vertical it slowly died :'(

im just looking for good progression focused raiding and to make some good friends :)


What's your raiding experience?raided all boss and halfus heroic ive downed

(Need to have cleared all the normal content.)


Can you provide a log of your performance in a raid?not atm sry


Why do you play the class and spec you play? In what way do you think you will improve our raids?i love to prot as i always have and is the most fun in my eyes,i will be a very punctual player attedance is a must and i will bring a good friendly attitude with me :)


What can you bring to the guild?i can bring full attendance and a happy environment but also be a very dedicated player who is always willing to knuckle down


Do you have the following addons or programs?





Anything else you'd like to add?

i look forward to hearing from u lads and thank you for taking time to read my application

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Have you cleared all the current normal raiding content?

(This is required to be able to get accepted for a trial. Mark with a cross [X])


Yes: []

We actually mean the part where you have to mark with a cross!


I actually mean the bit about 'comprehensible English'. Come on, stop making my eyes bleed. A sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, and does not contain the phrase 'u' or 'plz'. Abbreviating words so you don't have to type as much does not improve the impression your application gives.

Also, i take it that you haven't read the actually application template?


awful grammar, it's not that hard to actually write more than one line sentences. Application Declined.


Guen over and out

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